Principal’s Message

Great are the works of the Lord,
studied by all who delight in them.
Psalm 111:2
Have you ever marveled at the stunning logic of a mathematics equation, the beauty of geographical features, the intricacies of language patterns or the aesthetics of a landscape painting? Christians believe our God is our Creator, infinitely wise and powerful, and He has created all these for His glory. His intellect and might are on full display each and every day, and we get to study about them in school through classroom lessons! Man is also one of God’s creations and he has devised many amazing technologies and created works of art and science that have made life better for all. As we are made in God’s image, we believe the thoughts and ideas we have are a gift from God. Hence, knowing ourselves, our personalities and emotions help us to understand God as well. The joy of learning in school is the joy of learning about our creator God who has given us all things to enjoy!
In Psalm 111, the psalmist extols and praises the works of God and God himself, encouraging us to fear God and to obey Him, which brings wisdom to those who hear. In this vein, our theme for 2025 is “God’s Good Works” We are privileged to learn and discover them each and every day through our school experiences.
At AHS, our hope is that all our students know that day to day, they come with the purpose of discovering more about the world around them by studying God’s good works, asking deeper questions of the ideas they encounter each day and growing their sense of marvel of the world our God has made, and by extension, of God Himself. It is this sense of purpose that will drive their learning and sense of care and excellence in all that they do.
We also hope that they will grow in the love of the people around them. God is love and He has commanded us to love others. We show our love for our school, society and country by finding out more about those around them and serving others’ needs. “What are you doing for others?” remains a clarion reminder for AHS students to go beyond self to serve society around them, using their talents and gifts to make life better for everyone.
Lastly, we want them to discover their passion in life. AHS is a busy school, and our students get involved in a wide variety of activities through their academic, CCA, VIA and student leadership journeys with us. Whether their love is grown in a sport, an aesthetic expression, an act of service or an academic pursuit, we invite them to grow that interest and go deeper into their interest, fueled by youthful curiosity and energy to discover and grow. Passion fuels this self-initiated discovery journey and we aspire that all our AHS students have an idea of their life passion by the time they pass through our gates.
With these 3 Ps in mind, we hope that all our students will soar on wings like eagles in life this year!
您是否曾惊叹于数学方程的精妙逻辑,地理地貌的壮丽,语言模式的复杂性,或山水画的艺术美感?基督徒相信我们的上帝是我们的创造主,具有无限智慧和能力,祂创造这一切都是为了彰显祂的荣耀。祂的智慧和大能每日都在彰显,而我们可以通过课堂学习来研究这些!人类也是上帝的创造,人类发明了许多令人惊叹的技术,创造了使生活更美好。由于我们是按照上帝的形象创造的,我们相信我们所拥有思想和观念是来自上帝的礼物。 因此,了解自己的个性和情感也有助于我们了解上帝。 学校学习的乐趣在于学习关于创造我们的上帝的乐趣,他给了我们一切享受!
在诗篇111篇中,诗人颂赞上帝的作为和上帝本身,鼓励我们敬畏并顺服上帝,这将带来智慧。本着这种精神,我们2025年的主题是“上帝的美善作为”。 我们有幸通过学校的经历每天学习和发现它们。