Check In & Check Out Procedures
Check-in Procedures:
Check-in time: 2 pm—3.30 pm
Step 1: Boarders shall present the following original documents to the hostel office for the check-in:
- Passport for international students
Step 2: boarders shall conduct a room check and endorse on the inventory checklist form upon check-in to the hostel. The form shall be returned to the office within 24 hours of check-in or such longer time as may be allowed in writing by the hostel.
*In instances when the boarder fails to sign or return the inventory checklist form, the boarder will be deemed to have agreed that the room and the contents as listed in the form are in good working order and/or condition and to be responsible for any shortfall or damage to the room or the contents after the check-in.
**Boarders may check-in before or after the stipulated check-in date only with the prior written approval from the office. In the case of an early check-in, the stipulated daily room rate will apply for the period between the early check-in date and the stipulated check-in date. In the case of a late check-in, the accommodation fees for the period from the stipulated check-in date will remain payable.
Check-out Procedures
Check-out time:11 am—12.30 pm
Step 1: Boarders shall inform the office at least 1 week before the check-out date and timing.
Step 2: Prior to the check-out, boarders shall clear all his or her belongings and clean the room. If cleaning is required because the room is not in an acceptable condition, a cleaning fee of $50-100 shall be imposed on the boarder. Boarders are allowed to store up to three cartons of personal items in the hostel storeroom. However, the hostel is not responsible for any loss or damage of the items.
Step 3: A check-out form should be dutifully completed and signed by the boarder and submit to the office when the boarder checks out of the hostel.
Step 4: Room keys with the hostel key chain must be returned to office.
*Deposit will be refunded when the boarder has complied with the above mentioned requirements.