Boys Brigade
The Boys’ Brigade 14th company is supported by All Saints’ Church English Congregation. The latter provides spiritual and pastoral support through the teaching of moral values from the Bible. The teachers-in-charge and the church work hand-in-hand to nurture good values and emotional resilience in the boys through the carefully-designed CCA programme.
In recent years, the company has attained the High Distinction award in the annual JM Fraser Award for Excellence. In the annual Adventure Quest and BB Blaze competitions with more than 120 participating teams, it has always been placed on the Gold Honour Roll. Each year, our top performing members are also awarded the Founders’ Award, the pinnacle award for boys in secondary schools.
Our boys engage in a wide range of activities, such as Kayaking and First Aid courses. They also actively contribute to community service through events like BB Cares and the Share-A-Gift project, demonstrating a commitment to helping the less privileged. Each March, the Recruitment, Leadership Development, and Company Orderly Sergeant camps serve as pivotal platforms for consolidating and evaluating acquired campcraft skills, fostering camaraderie, and providing opportunities for the boys to bond, learn and collectively develop as one.
Being in the Boys' Brigade has taught me many leadership skills that I will continue to use in my daily life. I was given the opportunity to plan the Company Challenge for our juniors. My batchmates and I brainstormed for different ideas and game plans. We divided the workload evenly with some handling the logistics while others anchored different games. Throughout this whole experience, I gained insight into the strengths of my CCA mates which helped with the future delegation of roles. All the games we planned turned out really well and our juniors enjoyed them. I hope to be able to get more opportunities to plan activities for my CCA!
SGT Joel Tay, 4H (2024)
Company Sergeant Major