Overseas Experience
The AHS Global Classroom 环球课室
The AHS Global Classroom consists of the Australian Connection (GC-AAC) and Chinese Immersion Programme (GC-CIP), both designed to enhance global literacy through strategic partnerships with schools in Australia, China, and Taiwan. Students in the GC-AAC visited Wollondilly Anglican College (WAC) in Wollongong and Sydney, while those in the GC-CIP visited Loujiang Experimental Middle School (LEMS) in Suzhou, Shanghai, and Taipei Municipal Dunhua Junior High School (DJH) in Taipei. Both groups focused on cultural exchange, cross-cultural communication, and critical thinking through a 'Future Problem-Solving (FPS) project with Cultural Intelligence' model. They discussed contemporary issues across countries, gaining confidence in articulating diverse perspectives. Our students also hosted their partner schools’ students in Singapore, sharing cultural insights through collaborative activities. 圣中环球课室包括澳大利亚和中华浸濡活动。为培养具有全球视野且自信的领导者,我校继续与澳大利亚的Wollondilly Anglican College和中国苏州省昆山市的娄江实验中学保持合作关系,同时欢迎新伙伴台北市立敦化国中的加入。 今年参加中华浸濡活动的学生有机会前往苏州、上海或台湾,深入了解当地文化,体验跨文化交流与差异。他们还在中国和台湾伙伴访问新加坡时接待了他们,通过分享会和策划的文化之旅,加深了对本地的了解, 拓宽了视野。 此外,学生们不仅设计并主持了破冰游戏,还与海外学伴共同完成了FPS畅想未来专案。在这个过程中,他们走出舒适圈,与新伙伴辩论、分享并共同探讨问题的解决之道,增进了对时事课题的理解,不仅重塑了观点,还增强了自信心,同时培养了批判性与设计思维能力。
The Australian Connection
Our unforgettable adventure in Australia was filled with breathtaking landscapes and warm hospitality. We formed lasting friendships with peers from Wollondilly Anglican College and felt right at home, especially during a game of handball! The GC-AAC programme gave us the opportunity to explore cultural diversity and gain insight into Australian perspectives. Collaborating on the FPS project allowed us to tackle real-world challenges together. This trip enhanced our independence, social skills, and our sense of how we can make a difference as youth! Teh Qin Yang 3F, Kiersten Gayle Suryanata 3F, Aw Xin Yu Joy 3F, Tee Tong Yan 3A, Lee Ke En Chloe 3B, Por Xuan Ting, Carlin 3C
参加环球课室不仅提升了我们的跨文化交流能力,还加深了我们对中新两国在社会、文化、历史和经济方面的理解,并培养了批判性思维。在交流中,我们深刻认识到本地文化的独特魅力,也意识到我们的文化同样迷人。 此外,通过担任组长、传统游戏统筹者、导览员等角色,我们在实践中学会了如何有效组织与协调活动,提升了领导力、团队精神和沟通技巧。我们希望能激励全校师生共同成长为具备全球视野的公民! 冯敬淇 3A,葉伊婷 3H,柳杺桐 3H
在台湾,我们体验了独特的风土人情与如诗如画的风景。完成FPS畅想未来专案时,与台湾学生的交流激发了我们从不同角度思考问题,提高了我们的批判性思维和信息处理能力。 我们也走出课室,参观了新生水厂,了解新加坡应对水资源短缺的措施。除了在校园担任导览员外,我们还在校外向敦中学生介绍土生文化馆的历史与文物。这些经历让我们更自信地表达自己。 这次的学习之旅让我与好友创造了许多美好回忆,并结识了台湾的新朋友。这些记忆犹如绽放的花朵,永远盛开在我们心中。 吴欣洳 3D,朱韵颖 3E,林柏安 3J