At AHS, we are proud of our strong culture of care. Our dedicated team of caring and competent teachers and staff work closely together to ensure that our students feel safe and cared for, have a sense of belonging and feel connected to the school.
The core team is made up of:
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Year Head Team
| Our Year Head team oversees and coordinates various school programmes and matters relating to the holistic development of students. The team works closely with Form Teachers of each level to provide strong socio-emotional support for our students. The team also coordinates efforts to provide a coherent educational experience in the six domains of Cognitive (智), Headship (领), Aesthetics (美), Moral (德), Physical (体), and Social (群) for our students.
Form Teacher
| With two form teachers per class, the well-being of each student is closely monitored through daily interactions. One-to-one conversations are also conducted with each student to provide strong support throughout the academic year.
Life Coach (Full-Time School Counsellor) | Our Life Coach engages and supports students in their social-emotional development and well-being through coaching conversations. She works with teachers, peers and families in the process. She also connects students and families to community resources/external professionals for further support and assistance when required. |
Learning Coach (Allied Educator of Learning and Behavioural Support)
| Our Learning Coach provides one-to-one or small group intervention structured and systematic support for students with special educational needs (SEN). She coaches students with special learning and behavioral needs on learning strategies and social skills. She also works closely with teachers, parents and external professionals to support and take care of the well-being of students with special education needs.
Education & Career Guidance (ECG) Counsellor | Our ECG Counsellor helps students discover their strengths, interests and aspirations. He guides them in making informed plans and decisions for their education and career through individual and group counselling or coaching sessions and workshops.
Peer Support Leader | Every student is a peer supporter. Apart from trusted adults, we believe that peers are the next best people to provide social and emotional support for students facing challenges in their lives. In addition, two students from each class are specifically trained as Peer Support Leaders (PSLs) to equip them with specific skills to provide even greater support to their classmates. Together with the teachers, our PSLs play an important role in creating a caring culture in the school. |

Through the PSL training, I have learnt ways to phrase my questions to subtly encourage others to open up and comfortably share their worries and feelings. I have also learnt the importance of timing, sensing the situation and deciding whether or not it is appropriate to have a heart-to-heart talk. Personally, I dislike the feeling of knowing about a friend’s difficult situation, yet doing nothing to help. It is my personal goal to cheer a friend up or be a listening ear to them.
- Goh Jing Jing (Peer Support Leader, 2H 2023)
As students, we may face difficult times that are hard to shoulder alone. This is why peer support is important for those going through tough times. As a Peer Support Leader, I have learnt how crucial it is to have a compassionate and open mindset when comforting others. I have learnt to put myself in others’ shoes and imagine their experience as though it were my own. This deep sense of empathy allows me to identify with their problems to better provide them with moral support.
- Ian Boon Jian Li (Peer Support Leader, 4A 2023)